Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Perspective

When one's life changes so drastically, especially when it involves losing your spouse, your whole perspective on life, your walk with God, your relationship with others and so on...changes.

It is walking through the journey of grief, leaning heavily upon God and trusting that His grace is there for everything that you are feeling and believing. And that He will make sense out of your life.

When you think your life is making sense and you know the direction your life will take, it is quite a jolt when your spouse dies. For me, to be living in a city that is unfamiliar ground for me except for those events, life happenings that all involved Robert for five years. My involvement with Newport News was Robert. I was only here a few times before and only touched a tip of what the city had to offer.

Robert was born and raised here. The only thing was his marriage license was in Illinois because of me. He owned this town. He was in the publics eye. We couldn't go anywhere without running into someone that he knew. He knew a lot of the history with the city, the churches, the schools and so forth. I was so proud to be his wife. He told me so many stories. Stories now that I wished I would have written down. He was brilliant, with a huge heart, one full of kindness.

I can only trust now that The Lord will show me the 'New Life' that He is desiring for my life.

Dreaming with God is a whole new perspective. You look at things totally different. In some ways, you have no fear because nothing you will go through will be like that of the nightmare of losing your husband. But in other ways, you have more fears or maybe I should say more vulnerability. Your secure world with your spouse is no longer. We are never promised tomorrow. Everyone knows that but when it happens to you, even that has a whole new meaning.

A New Perspective... What will my life look like? Where am I headed? What is God's plans for my life? For 47 years, I knew where God wanted me and now I'm free from anything that has held me. No ministry, no parents, no husband...this is the familiar ground that I walked on. I gave everything I had for ministry in YWAM and with my husband and the bookstore.

Jesus, You are My Rock of which I can stand. I trust that You will continue to lead me, to heal me, to show me the path that You want me to take and bring the people in my life that You want in my life.

Thank you.

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