Sunday, May 5, 2013


When Robert first died, I could not hear his voice, I could not see him, I had no memories of anything we did. For about 4 months I remained in a bubble (shock). About two months ago, the tears will find their way out at some point during every day. Finally the memories of everything that Robert and I did over the last 5 years is returning to my mind.

It was a short time of knowing him but we did a lot in that time. I'm so glad I can finally see him in the memories in my mind. I thought they were lost for ever.

Memories that I can cherish and hold on to for the rest of my life. Robert was my blessing from God. No one can take away what we had together. The gem that I found and took the risk to love and cherish. The man who pursued me and won my heart.

Memories last a life time. Cherish those you love. Always tell them you love them. You never know when that last day will be.

Robert and I told each other every day that we loved each other. It was usually the last thing we said before falling asleep in each other's arms.

I love and miss you Robert. You were my everything!

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