Sunday, April 14, 2013

Traveling West to Illinois

So, the last two days I have spent on the road. Saturday was a beautiful drive through the mountains of West Virginia, straight through Ohio all the way to Indianapolis. Knowing that these next two weeks were going to be emotional and full of lots of decisions, I asked Bob and Vicki Lichty to travel with me to help me walk through this time.

My first day back and already the tears are coming. So many decisions. How did I come to this place in my life? While it is a normal thing to lose our parents, we never want or expect it to happen. With me it happened within two years and now the task of sorting through their house and deciding what I need to keep, what I should keep and what I need to let go.

At least I thought that I was settled and knew where I was going to live while growing old with my husband, as we ran a Christian bookstore. My ministry and life revolved around Robert. And now with him gone and losing my parents all within two years, my life has taken on a huge transition with lots of emotions and tears.

While I know that they are all in a much better place, worshipping The Lord and being in His Presence, I am left to pick up the pieces.

I am reminded that we live here only for a short time. This is a temporary place. We were all created to worship and live for Christ. Our goals, our purposes, our focus should be to live our lives holy unto The Lord.

A few weeks ago, we celebrated the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. It was during my church service Friday night service that I felt The Lord say to me 'There is a mark that has been laid upon your life. It's not been an easy one to walk but yet you are in my Hands. The mark is there to always remember me. Your life is mine. Remember My grace - Remember My Hand. Tell others.'

God blessed me with wonderful parents who raised me in church. They supported me through my ministry in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for 18 years. And they gave their blessing when my husband, Robert, asked for my hand in marriage. I had 5 wonderful years with Robert. I don't feel that it was nearly long enough and would do anything to have him back.

It is now that I find my world has turned upside down, but yet, seeking and waiting on The Lord to know His plan for my life. His calling that I heard twenty-three years ago.

Is my life blessed? Yes. Did I lose those that are closest to me? Yes. Is this an emotional time? Yes.

It is still at this time, I move forward to share the wonderful news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's the first time I have felt all alone. Living at home with my parents till I was 25 and then going into YWAM for 18 years, being with Bob and Vicki for 10 of those years traveling the world. And now the last 5 with a precious gift from God, a man who loved God and served Him.

Live in such a way that when we find our lives in turmoil and in transition, that we know where to turn. We are made in God's image. He created us for relationship. He desires a deep relationship with Him. Even when there seems to be no hope, no future, we are never out of God's eyes.

May God get the Glory.

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