Sunday, April 21, 2013

God turns broken pieces into His masterpieces!

Sitting here in Illinois in my parents home. It's not the home I grew up in so the emotional ties are not as strong. I'm facing a major decision of keeping the house or selling it. Right now making small choices of what to keep and what to get rid of. Mom and dad were both collectors of many things.

We went through this about 7 years ago, when they first moved to town from the country. It was a major history maker. One that I thought would never happen. I didn't think dad would ever want to move and leave the farm house but he loved living in town. Having them in this house, helped so it hasn't been as emotional as I thought it might be.

As I sort to keep and cherish that which they have gathered over the years of their lives, it is still just stuff. The stuff had value because my mom had placed value upon it, without her still being here, the value is not the same.

Some of the decisions I am needing to make would be easier, if Robert were still here. Robert and I had plans and dreams. With his passing, leaves a hole that I didn't realize that I would be walking through so soon in my life. There are still decisions that I need to make in Virginia as well.

One of the photos on Facebook said "God turns broken pieces into His masterpieces!" Some days this feels so much like a nightmare that I cannot wake up from. I still cannot believe that I lost my husband and my mom so close to together. I wish I could fast forward in life about five years. The dark days and moments are heavy.

My broken heart and life needs God's Healing Hand. Could my life represent a masterpiece? Could He still have plans for my life? Hope and vision are key aspects. As I sit quietly waiting, my heart is broken, I have to trust that God will be here in my deepest need.

Father, I need Your Healing Touch. Thank you ahead of time.

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