Tuesday, August 25, 2015

When We Must Say Good-bye

Life is short. Why play games. When you like someone, say what you mean. Those final good-byes will never be again. Live with no regrets. One day you will wish you had. And there are no do-overs. It's final. The last breathe is gone.

The feelings come in like a flood. No words can bring comfort. Everything is numb. It's a moment that stops in time. No more 'hello, how are yous'. No more joking around. No more smiles or laughter of the one you love. Only emptiness and numbness are to be found.

The sting is only for a moment. When the burning subsides, life will go on. But from that moment and each moment that follows, life has made a turn that will be different from this moment on. Your loved one has taken their last breathe. And it seems they have taken your last breathe with them. It's hard to breathe. It's hard to move on. You want so badly to hang on. But there is no hanging on, only moving forward.

The tears come and life comes to a stop. It's moving forward that we must do. To move forward feels that we are leaving our loved one behind, but yet in actuality, they have gone before us. They have taken their last moment of breathe, to live life eternally before our Heavenly Father. No more pain, no more suffering. They are rejoicing before their Maker.

Feel the pain. Cry the tears. Walk through the grief. The Maker is there for you and me. His name is Jesus and He catches every tear we cry. He heals the pain we feel. He will always walk beside. Call out to your Heavenly Father. He is the Great Comforter.

Time is a factor. Moving forward requires strength. Strength that is taken when a loved one dies. Strength that is precious to be able to stand boldly. Strength that is a gift to live this life again.

Death is final but living life for Jesus is for eternity. Here on earth and for those who have gone before. Cry out to Jesus!!

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