Saturday, August 15, 2015

Death Paralyzes

When death comes to your door step, it can paralyze one's life. Life doesn't seem to make sense any more, everything that you have lived up to, to this point in your life has just been thrown out the window. Memories, thoughts, actions of one's life depend upon the people they have around them. The people around you are the ones who have helped form your thoughts and actions of who they are. Your energies are now for survival and moving forward. Where is God in the midst of death?

Grief comes in like a storm. Emotions shut down. Life stops.

Where is God in the midst of death

God is in every pain we feel. God is in the depths of our hearts. God is in the very fiber of our being. He is the One who created us. He is the One who made us in His image. What we feel and what we walk through is not foreign to God. He sent His son to die on a cross; to shed His blood for our sins.

Where is God in the midst of death

Jesus was sent here to die. His purpose was to die on a Cross so that we would be forgiven and walk freely with our Heavenly Father, who created us. Death is not far off from the One who knew it so closely.

Where is God in the midst of death

God grieved when He knew of Adam's disobedience in the Garden of Eve. The apple of knowledge brought a death to our relationship with God. He knew what He would need to do to once again bring life into His creation of mankind. A grievance of His heart to send His One and Only Son to die. A death that would bring eternal life for those who believe.

Where is God in the midst of death

Nothing is new to God. He is in the midst of death. He will comfort and bring joy if we allow Him. If we are able to let go and trust. Allowing the death to bring life for those who experience it. All will at some point in their life experience death. It doesn't become real till it hits close to home.

Where is God in the midst of death

Allow death to hit your heart but also allow your heart to be open to the life that only Jesus can do. Allow for the healing to come. As quickly as a life can change in a moment of time, Jesus can also bring the healing and comfort that we need.

God is in the midst of death. Do you feel His tears? Do you feel the touch of His Hand? He is here.

'Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?' 1 Corinthians 15:55  

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