Thursday, June 6, 2013

Phone Call

So I have heard many stories of folks who have lost loved ones, where they go to tell their spouse something and then remember they are not there. So far, I hadn't done that. I just knew that neither Robert nor my mom were there.

Just today at the end of my work day, I thought the day is almost over and when I get home I can call Robert and run over to the store. Wow! It took me back a little when I had to remind myself there is no more Robert and there is no more store.

For the last several days, I have had that desire to call mom on numerous occasions. And yet again, I had to remind myself she is not there.

What used to be a phone call away does not exist any more.

Take every advantage to say 'I love you' to your loved ones. Please don't take them for granted. One day you may wake up and they won't be there.

O to have one more phone call to either my Robert or to my mom.

Living life today and going forward. Thank you Lord for your grace.

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