Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Friend

So a couple of weeks ago, I met a friend. It has been nice to have someone that wants to communicate with me. We text, email, call all the time. I have met him twice in person. This weekend we have plans for a days drive to Knotts Island. I'm looking forward to the time together.

The healing continues to come. Even since meeting my friend, the part of me that died with Robert is being raised back up. There is a glimmer of joy once again in my life.

I am thankful to God for how He has provided. He has watched over me the last 8 1/2 month. He has placed around me the right people that I know has my best interest in mind. From the pastor I worked with, my lawyer, my accountant, my counselor, Bob and Vicki, the hospital where Robert was, many other pastors and friends in the area. And my family back home. I am alone but not really. The Lord has been faithful.

Right now I'm enjoying my new friend. He is a widower with a 19 year old daughter. He lost both his parents a year after his wife so he knows what I'm walking through. He has been wonderful with me. We both are free to talk about our spouses if a story comes up. I don't have to hide the fact that I have been married or to hide Robert. Robert will always be a part of me. My life with him changed me.

I thank The Lord He brought this friend in my life. I am liking the companionship.

Lord, thank you. You are faithful. You will supply my every need.

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