Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Life...

It's only been one day since I last wrote but it's on my heart again. And with having my new laptop, it makes it real easy to be online. I have seen a pattern in my writings....'New Life'. Yes, I have a new life with getting married. Although, I had a life-changing life experience on June 19, 1988 when I walked forward in a small Baptist church in a small town just north of where I grew up.

My parents were faithful church-goers. We were there every Sunday, unless we were on vacation or the weather didn't permit. I have a perfect attendance pin to remind me of my time of going to Sunday School. It's a round pin with a circle around it with bars at the bottom for every year that I had perfect attendance. When it got the bottom, I got another circle to add more bars. I learned the books of the Bible but yet there was something still missing in my life. And that something was making Jesus Lord of my life. I was almost 23 years old when I walked forward to make that decision public. It was after a break-up with a guy that I had dated for three years. It was one of my lowest times in my life. I needed hope to bring this young girl back to life. Right before my junior year in high school, my sister was killed in a car accident. A devasting time to see life taken from somebody close to me. A day that changed my life of chosing death at that time and then having to walk it out to once again chose life.

Once Jesus was in my heart I told Him I wanted to 'make a difference'. Little did I know at the time, He would lead me into missions. Just to note that I didn't even know what missions was about. But He in His Soverienty did and He has led me these last 18 years in YWAM. With Him knowing me better than myself, He lead me in a way to touch and heal my heart and enable me to touch many others and make a difference. He gave me 'new life' and I will always be grateful to the Lord.

Although, I grew up in church, I didn't know Jesus as my Savior til I was 23. Do you know Jesus in your heart? Have you given your life to our Heavenly Father? I will always be grateful for the decision I made on June 19, 1988. It gave me 'New Life'. I pray that the Lord would continue to touch and draw you to Him.

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