Monday, December 22, 2008

Been awhile!

So here I am computer decided to have it's video card go bad. A wonderful computer that I had for at least 5 years but now I can only see scrambles! I just got a new acer, which I'm enjoying.

Our two kitties are still learning to get along and learning to play together. Cali runs after Gi
nger, but when Ginger runs after Cali the hisses begin and the cries. Not sure if they have figured out that one has claws and the other one doesn't. Hopefully that will be our secret. It is fun having both of them in our home. They are finding that they have one thing in common. It's cute to see them sitting side by side looking out the back door.

It's that time of year and has been fun decorating and preparing for our first Christmas as a couple! We will spend it with his family and fly to Illinois the day after Christmas to spend it with my family. Hopefully the weather permitting, as they have been having snow and ice storms. Not sure I'm ready for that but I can't wait to see my parents again.

On December 14, Robert and I sang in our church Christmas cantata. A lot of fun. We had been practicing since September. It was a beautiful evening.

It's so amazing how quickly time has flown by. We celebrated our 7th month of marriage on the 17th! One day I want to write down everything that has transpired since we said 'I do'. Things are settling down for me and I'm finding my way in this new life. I'm hoping in the new year to start ministering again with my Ancient Path seminars. Plus I may have a led on another part-time position working here at home.

The Lord is faithful to give us the desires of our heart. I love being married, something I desired since I was a little girl. Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness to us!

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