Monday, October 27, 2008

Life goes challenges

Today is a pretty day! Sun is out with the crisp cool air of fall. One of my favorite seasons, especially watching all the pretty colors of the leaves changing. Kind of reminds me of life, knowing what season you are in and learning to accept all the changes in life. From the hot summer months when you need to be cooled off, to the changing colors of the fall leaves to the barrenness and coldness of winter...knowing that right around the corner will be new life birthing forth with buds on the trees and flowers blooming with fragrance from the ground.

Robert and I have been facing a few challenges with the business. Robert seems to handle it better than I do since he has been in this a lot longer than I. With each new punch, we still need to lean upon the Rock that we stand on knowing that He will lead us through. Now, with my life and leaving a life I have known for the last 18 years, I still walk that line of faith for God's provision of finances for us now as a couple. I always wondered how the families did it being in YWAM. A single can get by on a lot less but all of our faith is the same....our dependance needs to be upon the Lord. As I have learned over the years, God will provide what I need from finances to emotional to physical. He provided for me the last 18 in one chapter of my to see the Lord provide for me in the next chapter of my life.

The Lord sent me a wonderful, kind husband. The other night he was the first to get home. (Just to note, that I'm still moving boxes in from my old home in Charles City.) He made me dinner. It was very sweet. The more I know him, the more I love him.

It is now that I should close so I can go unload my car from my last trip to Charles City. Only a couple more boxes and all my things will be in one house since the last 18 years!

Till next time....May you be 'Blessed to be a Blessing!' One of my/our quotes from the last 10 years of ministry. Thank you Lord for your provision, your grace to walk through each day and your strength and friendship!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hi! I was using the button to search blogs, and yours is the first that was American! What a blessing to find a sister of mine. May God bless you and keep you.