Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A better day!

My spirit is beginning to lift! My talk on Sunday evening with a new found friend, Patty, has brightened my days. It's a blessing when you find people that you connect with. She has been married for awhile and has children. Plus, she has been to the Philippians, so she understands mission work.

Yesterday, I decided to play homemaker. I created a pasta dish for our dinner and made a heart-shaped cake to celebrate Robert and I. Then off to the grocery store to do some shopping.

Thinking back over these past 3 months, I told Robert last night I need to write about our experience. The things that have happened that you think would only happen when you are in another country and it was the beginning of our married life.

The first two weeks were wonderful and perfect! I couldn't ask for anything different for our wedding and honeymoon! Such sweet memories of our time in Wisconsin Dells, just the two of us. And then traveling in a 16 ft. truck with all my belongings in it from Illinois to Virginia! But then, upon our arrival home, we had no electricity the first night. Someone decided they were going to fix our bathroom for us while we were gone. Well, it wasn't finished and the bathroom was gutted.

So, for the first 2 weeks and 2 days we were without a toilet and shower! We made a makeshift toilet in our spare guest room with a handicap toilet. Then, for another 7 weeks we were without a shower so every other evening we journeyed over to his sister's house for a shower. And now after 3 months of marriage, the bathroom is still not finished. It has caused a bit of frustration and stress for me seeing all the disarray in the house. But there is hope that soon it will be finished!!!

And another thing that you think only in 3rd world countries would happen, we have been chasing American roaches around our home! They are big and ugly and fast! But the raid works wonderfully!!

We've been to two weddings since our own and a funeral of one of my friends. Been to Orlando for the Christian bookstore convention for 10 days. Then, upon our arrival back led the worship time for our VBS. Plus, for me painting our bedroom, hallway, bathroom and part of the living room and unpacking boxes and suitcases to settle into my new home! And not to forget that on June 8, we celebrated with our family and friends our marriage. So, I was able to wear my wedding dress twice before storing it away for memories of a wonderful day.

I think all of this combined started working on me and now I have faced the facts of what has transpired over the past few months and saying "everything is fine". This morning I awoke thinking 'I'm living my dream'. Now, it's to see how that dream plays out and the adventure that God has for Robert and I. And living life to it's fullest finding God's design in our life.

Now, I must go so I can do some errands in Williamsburg today.

I sense God is looking down and smiling! I'm so glad that He is in my life.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Finding my nitch

Yesterday was a good day for me. Robert has been wanting to have his Sunday School class to have a get together for several months now. It finally happened last evening. There were 16 of us who gathered at our church's pavilion for a night of playing volleyball, a cook out, fellowship time and watch 'Bananas' Christian comedy. It was a blessing for me as I met one of the ladies who I was able to connect with and share some of my thoughts and feelings. Everything is so new for me and now I'm in the midst of finding my nitch in life. I had been on an adventure the last 18 years of my life and now starting a new one with being a wife.

As I was reading this morning... 'The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him". Gen 2:18, it touched my heart. I will make a helper suitable for him. How can I be that blessing as a wife? How can I transition into a whole new life? I truly believe the Lord brought us together and I want to cherish these moments we have. As I have done in the past, I find myself doing again of leaning upon the Grace of God in a time of transition. From traveling the US, Canada, Europe and meeting different people all the time to settling in one place and making a home for us.

Thank you Lord for your grace! Thank you for My Robert!

Thoughts for the day!

A New Adventure when saying 'I do'!

God sent me a wonderful husband. There are many days when I think I will wake up from this dream. My mind can hardly grasp that the desire of my heart has been fulfilled. For me it seems like an eternity that I had this dream. Even as a young girl I dreamt of this day and then the last few years thinking it was never going to happen. And now I sit amazed that I'm married.

We just celebrated 3 months of marriage already! Where does the time go? Although, in the midst of it, my life has been turned upside down and back again. Or at least I'm waiting for it to turn back again. This is the third time that I have made a major move. My first to Arkansas without knowing anyone but yet, I knew the Lord was tugging on my heart to attend the DTS with YWAM. Then, seven years later, my move to Virginia with YWAM again. Again, not knowing anyone. And now, I find myself having moved again an hour from where I have called home for the last 8 years.

This time not knowing anyone and having to pursue friendships with people and the man whom I married. My home has changed, my ministry partner has changed, my church, my friends, my name...hmmm.....everything. It is once again, leaning upon the Lord's grace in a time of transition. So, it's finding my 'nitch' after saying 'I do'.