Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life As Two!

Life As Two!

A change happened and I'm still adjusting. I guess after 42 years of being single, all you have to be concerned about is yourself and where you are and the responsibilities that are before you. Now with being married, it is having a house to clean, meals to cook, laundry to do, cats to feed, plus my part-time job outside the house. My flowerbed had a good start till the heat came! Outside was the last place that I wanted to be, plus the misquitos who like to have a meal off of me.

I am the Golden Retreiver personality (from the Treasure Tree by Gary Smalley and John Trent). I am cautious to make friends but once I know you are trustworthy of my trust, I will be loyal to you. With that in mind, it has been a challenge for me to build close friendships that I have been used to. Community life of 18 years made it easier for me. When you live with different roommates, work together, eat together and have similiar ministries or having the passion to follow Jesus, people are all around you and you have easier access.

Right now, I should be cleaning my house but I haven't been on here since March. My desire to write is coming back. One day, hopefully soon, I will once again be able to hold the Ancient Path seminar that I coordinate. It's a wonderful ministry that changes peoples lives! One important factor is the sanctity of marriage and the blessing of it. With getting married, we are learning each other and how to function as one. We like being together. Since we said 'I do', outside of work, we are usually together. So it's learning to combine our lives and seek God's face for continued direction. Our hearts are for ministry but it's learning to dance together to be able to touch God's people in ways that they will see Jesus in us and through our marriage. Oh Lord, this is the desire of our hearts.

Like Paul says, 'it's learning to be content in all circumstances'. The Friend that I have know since 1988 and has led me around the world is still here. I just need to lean a little harder and known that He is my forever Friend who will never leave me. It's just sometime I need Him to have flesh and bone. I love you Jesus. I gave my heart to you many years ago and I trust you now. May You be glorified through my life. Let me give each day to you and trust that You will bring across my path the people that you desire for me to touch. And thank you for the wonderful husband that you gave me. He fits me like a glove and that is what I prayed for. He is strong where I am weak. How can I ever doubt where You lead.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Word....

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5&6

Last night pastor asked us to share a scripture that we had received in our daily quiet time or a life verse. This always brings me back to Prov. 3:5&6. This is a scripture that has spoken to my heart since becoming a follower of Jesus. Especially since getting involved in missions and leaving my 'comfort zone' of all the familiar surroundings around me. I believe we all have our comfort zones and can be very content to living within those borders. So once, stepping outside of those borders and not understanding every situation that I walked thru, I am always lead back to Prov. 3:5&6.

This being the third major move in my life and probably the hardest move with everything changing. I can only lean upon Jesus and trust that He understands everything and will bring about that understanding to me in due time. The lastest struggle with my husband's store has been a big one for me. I have traveled in and out of several countries, lived by faith for my finances for 18 years but yet this one has been the scariest for me. I guess it's the uncharted waters of not knowing what lies beneath when others are involved in what our future may look like. Although, another scripture that holds dear is "...for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands." I Sam. 17:47b The Lord will do battle for us. He has won the victory and we shall stand on His Word and know that He is there for us! In the olden days, they led forth in songs of praise and worship for what the Lord would do for them. This brings me to each day, leading forth into songs of praise for who He is in our lives. The price He paid on the cross. And the desire He has for each one of us. I know that I/we can count on the Lord Jesus to move this mountain from before us. He has give us victory.

I love the Lord Jesus. He is number one in my life. He has been faithful for the last 18 years to provide the finances I needed to travel the world for Him. And now I can rest assure that He will provide the finances for us to continue on so that we can continue on with ministry now as a couple.

Thank you Lord for each new day!! "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1